Ordering the favorite food within minutes with a few clicks and getting it delivered on the doorstep has become a trend now among the general public. Various online food ordering websites serve as a link between the restaurants and the general public. One of the most successful food ordering websites is Just Eat. As a result, the emergence of Just Eat Clone took place.
This ready-made clone script is being globally deployed for successfully establishing a food ordering website to serve the audiences. Specific techniques lead to the success of Just Eat Clone Script and ultimately leads to the development of a successful online food ordering website.
1. Deploying of Just Eat Clone Script:
The first and the foremost step towards a successful food ordering website is to implement a robust and ready to use Food Ordering Script. Thus, the script that you purchase should be embedded with unsurpassed features that make it the best choice for your online food ordering website business.
2. Decide your target market:
Once you develop your website, you have to decide your target audiences whom you want to serve. As per the target market, your restaurant clients will be selected. If you choose to serve a specific part of the audiences, your restaurant client choice will be in accordance with that target audience. If you decide on the broadside, all the restaurant types will do as your clients to serve the varied needs of your diverse customer base. Thus, determining the target audiences is essential for developing an Online Food Ordering Website that beats all the competitors in the market.
3. Regularly maintain your database:
Once you had successfully build your clientele and registered them on your food ordering website, you have full records of the information of your registered clients- the restaurants and the customers. Then, you need to maintain this database safely for the plan of actions. You can use this database for sending promotional emails, messages, informing your clients about the new schemes, offers, etc. Maintaining the database in the first time itself removes your work of gathering the data repeatedly next time when you need it. However, this ready to go Just Eat Clone script makes it easy for you.
4. Ensure smooth functioning of the site:
Ensuring the smooth operation of your website by deploying a robust Online Food Ordering Script is a must to keep the customers coming back on your food ordering platform. The browsing process should be simple so that your clients do not have to face hurdles while working on your food ordering website.
5. Ensure that the checkout process is hassle-free:
Serving your customers with a simple method of check-in until the check-out is essential. The moment when the customers come onto your site to order the food till the moment when they finish ordering and log out from your site, the whole process should be smooth and quick. Giving this experience to your customers is the mandatory thing if you want them to come on your website and order the food repeatedly. Hence, you need a flawless Food Ordering Software to make the food ordering process comfortable and hassle-free.
The five above-discussed tactics are such yet straightforward that cannot be neglected. These tactics when followed in the online food ordering platform, inevitably give positive results in the form of success. Thus, getting started by installing an unbeatable Just Eat Clone Script and following these tactics, you will be instantly on your way towards success!
Now let me brush up the features of the particular role has used in the FoodOrderingScript – Justeat clone script.
Who is an admin here?
Owner of the System, you’re the admin here.
In this simple elegant panel, you can able to manage and monitor the overall process done in the FoodOrderingScript – Justeat clone script.
User Management:-
This panel will collect all the customer, who login/ signup on the FoodOrderingScript – Justeat clone script.. You can able to monitor the customer details.
Restaurant Management:-
You can also able to monitor the Restaurant details such as the name of the restaurant, document of the restaurant, email, status of the restaurants, created date, mean updated date.
Manage Order:-
You can check all over details of the customer’s food order with some features such as Order id, Payment type, User Name, Restaurant Name, Order Type, Tax, Order status, Total
Manage Review:–
The customer valuable review about the restaurant with some aspects to be filled by the customer such as ID, Restaurant Name, User Name, Approved Action.
Manage Owe Amount:-
Can manage the details of the money to be shared by the restaurant and admin by the debit of the payment can be managed.
Cuisine Management:-
The details of the food types can be managed through this panel.
Coupon Management:-
Any offers provides by the restaurant that details can be managed with some features that are Id, Coupon Code, Start Date, End Date, Amount percentage, Coupon Type, Status, Action.
Static Page Management:-
Your company prominent page can be created and added details can be managed such as Id, Name, Url, Footer, Status, Action.
Country & Currency Management:-
An admin can set the country and currency as per their wish.
Site Setting:-
You can set your own business by this option Site Name, Site Logo, Site Favicon, Site Banner Image, Site Date Format, Site Time Format, Default Currency, Default Language, Version.
We are more dedicated to our services and customization. We had used lots of latest & high-end technologies. You can expect more impressive release and features from us. If your interesting to know more updates from us, merely check out the demo here:
Front end: https://www.go4fooddelivery.com
Superadmin login details:
USERNAME : admin@gmail.com
PASSWORD : go4foodadmin
Restaurant dashboard login details:
USERNAME: restaurant_admin@gmail.com
PASSWORD: mypizzabar
Customer panel login details:
USERNAME: cust@gmail.com
PASSWORD: 123456
Customer App URL:
USERNAME: cust@gmail.com
PASSWORD: 123456
Driver App URL:
USERNAME: driver@gmail.com
PASSWORD: 123456
Order Receiving App (ORA) for Vendor:
Access code - 123456